With the latest Twilight film, Eclipse, having already hit theatres, fans are anxiously waiting and wondering how filmmakers will handle some of the scenarios in the final book.
Fans are particularly curious about how they will deal with Bella's childbirth scene in Breaking Dawn. The birth is extremely complicated, nearly killing Bella, and the book is quite graphic in its details.
Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg told PopSugar she's keen to show the birth on screen but perhaps with some of the gorier details such as Edward biting through the placenta left out.
"I don't think we need to see that," she said.
Kristen Stewart has herself expressed her curiosity over the scene, telling MTV News she has not seen the script but wonders how they will handle it.
Rosenberg wrote the first three films in the series and said she has enjoyed writting the part of Bella as she evolves.
"I think seeing Bella as a vampire and her adjusting to her powers and embracing them, those are all really fun scenes to write."
She also told PopSugar she is "relieved" the final book has been broken into two films as it was going to be a challenge to condense such a large book into one movie.
Rosenberg also said author Stephanie Meyer is heavily involved in the process and often weighs in on the script writing process.