
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hot! Taylor Lautner Without a Shirt: In New Twilight Eclipse trailer (details and video)

Taylor Lautner is in the new Twilight Eclipse trailer, and he has a statement to make. This hunk doesn't look anything like what he did in the previous Twilight New Moon movie. His body has been buffed up and he has a look that is going to be enjoyed by fans looking forward to the new movie. The Twilight executives took a special shot to give the ladies who love Team Jacob something to look discuss.

Shirtless and standing his back against the wall, Taylor Lautner looks way ripped for the latest installment of the Twilight saga. Looking off to the distance, you can't help but stop the video for a moment an gawk at the man. He really has it going on.

Take a peek below at the video: