
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kristen Stewart on Robert Pattinson – why did she run away?

Kristen Stewart aka Bella Swan aka Joan Jett escapes from the spot when asked about her personal life with Robert Pattinson. It is not unknown news that Kristen Stewart-Robert Pattinson has been the target of media for crafting linkup stories.

On The Flix reports that Kristen Stewart was being interviewed recently by a TV Guide reporter named Jessica York. Kristen was promoting her latest film “The Runaways” at the Sundance Film Festival. She was okay as long as Jessica asked her about her films and onscreen characters. But when asked about her romantic linkups with Robert Pattinson, she flew from the stage!


Why? I guess that’s because…

1. Kristen Stewart is pissed off with the same question time and again! Chooses running off the best option to avoid it this time!

2. Kristen wants to keep her personal life private.

3. Kristen is too shy to speak about out her love life! (Huh? Is it?)

4. Kristen feels the time hasn’t come yet to speak about Robert, waits for the right time.

5. Come on guys, she is promoting for “The Runaways” and that’s why ‘runs away’! (Perhaps the most apt reason in the list!)

Whatever…have patience and leave RobSten alone for some time. They will surely announce their relation officially if they are together, isn’t it Kristen?